The team at RE:VOLVE have been privileged to train athletes that are a part of or have become a part of the following organisations at the highest level. These are only a few of the organisations across Australia. The team has also been privileged to work with athletes and coaches in over seven different nations internationally.

National Rugby League
Expressions Dance Company
University of Texas
World Boxing Championship
Australian Institiute of Sport
Queensland University of Technology
Athletics Australia
Rowing Australia
Griffith University
Football Federation Australia
Queensland Ballet
University of Southern Queensland


Cannon Clough
Professional Football

On Kurt’s role as Physical Performance Coach for Lions FC Women: “Kurt’s attention to detail in all of his sessions and genuine care for each individual is what sets him apart. We had girls that have been lifting for years, but we also had girls that had never picked up a dumb bell. Not only did the programs challenge every single one of us week in and week out, but his influence across the entire club made it easier for us to play the game we love. It’s also pretty cool to see the changes in GPS stats from before our first session with Kurt to now! Fitter, faster, and much stronger!”

Jack Bowen

Jack Bowen
Professional Boxer

“I feel stong and powerful round after round. The type of work Kurt has me doing puts me a class above where I imagined I could be. It's opened doors for me with Australian and International coaches amazed at my strength in the ring. He has not just helped me strength and power but also managing my weight too.”

Amber Merritt

Amber Merritt
Australian Para-athlete

”When I have to travel to the East Coast, Kurt is imperative in keeping my training up to a high standard. He has helped me develop skills I never thought possible and helps support not only myself but anyone else in my team that needs it whilst travelling, too.”

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